How do I make an appointment?

In Astana at Bukhar Zhyrau 36B you can undergo diagnostics, and choose glasses and contact lenses. To do this, you need to select a date to visit, time, enter your details and receive an appointment confirmation from us.

Ограничения по возрасту Please note that medical services in the ALIV optical salon are not provided to persons under 14 years old! In this case, the selection of glasses and contact lenses for teenagers aged 14 to 18 years is made in the presence of legal representatives (parents, adoptive parents and guardians).

Рекомендации If you already wear contact lenses, please remove them at least 1 hour before your appointment, and if you have glasses, please try to bring them with you to your appointment. This will help ensure that your vision diagnosis is as accurate as possible.

Подтверждение Please provide the number connected to Whatsapp, we will send a confirmation of the appointment to your phone number


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